Something has happened to me today morning. For some it may be so cliche for others it may be new. I was walking to work, like I try and do every so often and met this mother and baby waking up by the road side. They looked like they  had  a good sleep, they woke up stretching same as I do when on my bed, and the mother, now awake started checking up on her baby, like i suppose all mothers do or would. I walked past them like all the other pedestrians that i was with. 
I was not okay though. I was just thinking about them, and the way they look so content, with  the fact that God has given them life that morning, just like He did  me. I remembered i had some breakfast snacks in my handbag, purposely carried them to give them to someone; specifically,  this guy that I usually meet on my way to work, by the road side and I decided to be giving him something to eat, since everyone gives him coins. FYI ( I like being different). Anyway, I thought this day, this mother and her child wouldn't mind some snack for breakfast. 

I had already passed and had a chance to cross the road and move on, and within that minute, I chose to go back and give her the snacks. I was aware of the cars that were awaiting traffic to open up, I was aware of the crowd that I was walking with, wondering what they will think of me going back to that lady, I wondered how that mother will react, because she wasn't borrowing, she had just woken up. I pushed myself, and pushed those thoughts and went back to her and said, "Sasa?" while holding out the snacks pack and she just took it and she was so curious to find out what was inside.

I did not wait for her reaction, I did not turn to look at who was looking, i walked away. I remember thinking, "God, if you have woken me up today to just do that, then I did it," and I thanked God for the grace. 

I learnt something this morning, I learnt how hard it is to break from the societal norm and do what's right. We all walk everyday knowing what's right, but the execution is another thing all together.

I have been faced with situations where i had to make a different choice from what the world expects me to, and they all took courage to go down the different route. 

I have purposed to ask my guy his name, to try and start a conversation with him, I don't know how that will go. I will do the narration when that happens. 


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