Re-union Phobe

Just the other day i received an inbox talking about a high school re-union that had been planned, as i read, i was glad thinking what an awesome idea, i mean its been long and my friends and i had actually suggested that we would want one; so there could never have been such an opportune moment; then as the day was approaching i see people asking the others if and when they will attend, and then it hit me that i am also as undecided as they are and so i joined in the conversation trying to cajole them to think about it in a positive way, and the fun we would have and how they should actually join..

before i sent my contribution for the attendance of the re-union, i actually made a call first to one my friends to confirm her attendance, and I'm just wondering why the phobia? i know one person who thinks the questions are just too much? maybe she would like to go there and not asked how she's doing, does it mean she thinks she's a failure? is it that only successful people go for re-unions? i didn't think so. ..How about an embarrassing episode, or something really bad that you may have done and even forced friends to be separated in terms of friendship camps.. does this qualify as a reason to loathe the re-union?anyway maybe i am trying to get ready to go to the re-union and know..


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