
Are you as confrontational as I am? I am one of those people who tell the bare truth that to an extent it hurts. Dictionary definition of 'Confront' is Confront means either to face a situation that makes you uncomfortable, or to say something to someone about something they've done that bothers you. Rather than letting things go, when people are rude to you you should confront them. Confront derives from the Latin con- "with" and -front "front." Of late, I decided to take some break from the whole confontation thing. why? I cannot explain myself simply in a sentence without giving some incidences. There is this one day, sometime back I had a confrontation with one of my good friends. She is also a confrontation-kinda girl. We exchanged our thoughts and after that even if, we sort of made up, Our friendship has never ever been the same again. Matter of fact as i write this, we barely talk, but i believe if we were to meet, we would be cord...