#TheGrind #TheInevitableChange
The last time we checked my career status, it is totally different from what it is now. I sat down, went through an overhaul; ok i'm exaggerating, it is not that different but it has some personality now, I must add. Whoever said, "it is paradoxical, yet true, to say, that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become conscious of our limitations. Precisely one of the most gratifying results of intellectual evolution is the continuous opening up of new and greater prospects." I know in my previous post i mentioned the life and the growth; Now as i write this, i just feel like we just go round and round. The tip of one thing is the starting point of another, there is always something around the corner. (I have totally digressed). Back now to what I really wanted to write about. As the days go by, a lot changes, some good, some bad, some hurt, some not so much; I have met ne...