Something has happened to me today morning. For some it may be so cliche for others it may be new. I was walking to work, like I try and do every so often and met this mother and baby waking up by the road side. They looked like they had a good sleep, they woke up stretching same as I do when on my bed, and the mother, now awake started checking up on her baby, like i suppose all mothers do or would. I walked past them like all the other pedestrians that i was with. I was not okay though. I was just thinking about them, and the way they look so content, with the fact that God has given them life that morning, just like He did me. I remembered i had some breakfast snacks in my handbag, purposely carried them to give them to someone; specifically, this guy that I usually meet on my way to work, by the road side and I decided to be giving him something to eat, since everyone gives him coins. FYI ( I like being different). Anyway, I thought th...