
Showing posts from 2015


Something has happened to me today morning. For some it may be so cliche for others it may be new. I was walking to work, like I try and do every so often and met this mother and baby waking up by the road side. They looked like they  had  a good sleep, they woke up stretching same as I do when on my bed, and the mother, now awake started checking up on her baby, like i suppose all mothers do or would. I walked past them like all the other pedestrians that i was with.  I was not okay though. I was just thinking about them, and the way they look so content, with  the fact that God has given them life that morning, just like He did  me. I remembered i had some breakfast snacks in my handbag, purposely carried them to give them to someone; specifically,  this guy that I usually meet on my way to work, by the road side and I decided to be giving him something to eat, since everyone gives him coins. FYI ( I like being different). Anyway, I thought th...


We were created to experience the beauty, God's beauty, God manifest. Can you express how these photos make you feel?  If you gasp like I do, take a moment and check when was the last time you gasped? when was the last time you felt the way you feel when you look at these photos? I love nature, I love the way it makes me feel. I tend to just smile, I tend to think about how i will narrate this to someone else, and then i remember i do not have the words. I know it makes me silent, I know it touches me where i'm not usually touched by all the other things that go on around me.  There is so much more to life. Don't concentrate on the noise and the distraction. 


I thought it only gets better, sweeter, less thoughts, more products. The other day as i was seated in a shuttle on my way from Eldoret, I'm not sure what triggered this thought but i remember asking the person seated next to me, now a friend, whether there is someone who can stand and say, "aah! I have it all figured out now!" As i write this, my face is getting those creases that tend to form a smile because, a few blogs past i remember thinking and writing how i have gotten the formula and the key to life. :D :D :D Ok, now it is soo funny. But I insist, so there is the thought of destiny and purpose. two words that were almost always my prayers for so long, until one day I had to whisper to myself that God has ears and He has heard me and He must be in the process of answering me in my day to day life. (Pause for effect) . What caused this battle within? is waking up everyday and thinking that I do not know how to live. I used to actually have this feeling a...


Life has become a run. A run that doesn’t seem to have an end, unless of course you breathe your last. I am very intentional when it comes to things that make me stop, breathe and be present. Things that involve adrenaline, or mysterious happenstance like sunrise or sunset at the beach; or in the city, The moon and the stars, the breeze, the clear blue sky. It’s in moments like these, that those memories need to come alive; and encourage me that this cold morning shall come to pass  A warm hug from a friend this morning would do too, or a genuine smile from a stranger,A random blossomed flower, An mpesa message from someone who owes me money   , An unexpected public holiday LOL! Ok, i should stop now; there are so many things to be grateful about out here though. So, I thank God for friends who travel, that's how i have managed to feel like I was at the coast, just the other day!

#TheGrind #TheInevitableChange

The last time we checked my career status, it is totally different from what it is now. I sat down, went through an overhaul; ok i'm exaggerating, it is not that different but it has some personality now, I must add. Whoever said,  "it is paradoxical, yet true, to say, that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become conscious of our limitations. Precisely one of the most gratifying results of intellectual evolution is the continuous opening up of new and greater prospects." I know in my previous post i mentioned the life and the growth; Now as i write this, i just feel like we just  go round and round. The tip of one thing is the starting point of another, there is always something around the corner. (I have totally digressed). Back now to what I really wanted to write about.  As the days go by, a lot changes, some good, some bad, some hurt, some not so much; I have met ne...

After Eons...

Hey Reader, My name is Nekesa, My friends call me Nex and I am coming back to update a blog after eons. I may have changed tones, so my writing has changed of course; and maybe i stopped updating because I rarely vent nowadays; or maybe it took a more subtle route. So in matters catching up...I have had a LIFE. I don't know how life has been described in the dictionary but it should always be an  answer to a greeting. "hey, how have you been?" Answer "life" because trust me, life happens. I have had a loooot of life this while I was away and quiet. I have learnt a lot, I have grown, oh! I am so big (not physically) my person has grown big, my head not so big. Apparently when you  learn much,  your head tends to grow small, Because your perspective changes, you see things in a new light or from a new angle, You realize how wrong you were about right and how right you were about wrong or something in between. You realize that everyone has something going. Y...